Planning Office

Realisation of prototypes and production runs is managed by the Planning Office, which includes PCB production, electronics assembly, and mechanical assembly, aided by strong ongoing relationships with a variety of subcontractors. Expertise available includes managing production, procurement and component packaging, subcontracting PCB manufacturing and subcontracting assembly. If in doubt, this office serves as your entry point to the EPR system and we are happy to offer advice or direct your requests to our colleagues in the Design Office or Assembly Workshop if necessary.

General consulting services available (under certain conditions and in conjunction with the Design Office and Assembly Workshop):

  • Design review
  • Root cause analysis after failure
  • Preparation for outsourcing (technical specification, etc)
  • Sub-contractor evaluation (pre-series inspection, etc)

Location and Contacts

  • Enquires:
  • Location: 107/R-A06

Finalisation of your own designs

For requests for review and finalisation of your own designs, please see with the Design Office.

While we can't guarantee we will catch every mistake, we will provide a complete set of production documentation to our usual standards and templates and greatly increase the chances of successful manufacturing.

Manufacturing your own designs (without help from the Design Office)

If you are submitting a PCB of your own design for manufacturing, please fill the PCB Specification Form:

For the check-boxes and drop-down menus to work in this form, you must click "Enable Content" in Excel. Fill as many details as you can (some of them will automatically be calculated based on your other answers).

In the case of designs not managed by BE (Design Office), we cannot take responsibility for manufacturing difficulties. The purpose of the "specif template" is to highlight any manufacturing challenges or impossible features in advance, and we work closely with our subcontractors to foresee any challenges before they cause problems, lost time or unnecessary expense.

Unfortunately we don't have the resources to do a thorough design review of every project though, which is why we recommend working in collaboration with the BE experts from the design stage. The designers in BE are knowledgable and experienced in Design for Manufacturing techniques and all designs that pass through their office undergo a final review by a second person, in addition to validation by the client (you).