At CERN, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) hosts many electronic systems based on components off the shelf (COTS) that are exposed to a mixed radiation field. The energy spectra of particles at LHC can range from a few megaelectronvolt thermal neutrons (ThNs) to the gigaelectronvolt range and as a result, these components can be affected by all radiation effects at the same time: displacement damage (DD), total ionizing dose (TID), and single event effects (SEEs).
These magnitudes, can strongly vary according to the position of interest inside the LHC and for this reason, it is important to
The CHARM Radiation Test Board (CRaTeBo) is a FPGA radiation-testing platform which allows to test FPGAs and FPGA designs in representative LHC radiation environments in the CERN CHARM facility without having to care about the radiation tolerance of the platform or the communication link.
It is a versatile radiation-tolerant board where each part of the system (power, communication, FPGA & front-end) is installed on modules that can be swapped depending on the need. This was done to give maximum flexibility on the communication links (can be high-speed through optical link or wireless
The Floating Gate DOSimeter (FGD0S) is a digital radiation sensor based. Sensor output is a frequency modulated pulse train proportional to radiation dose. Internal counters allow radiaton dose digital value to be read via SPI interface. This sensor, due to its higher sensitivity and lower noise than RadFet, is proposed as a new solution that can replace the latter and bring improvements in the quality of dosimetry.
The sensor is already used by CERN's new radiation monitoring systems, namely the wireless IoT monitoring system, also called BatMon [1], and the SpaceRadMon [2], but due to its
The CERN radiation environment can lead to extremely harsh operating conditions for electronic systems. Many electronic systems at CERN must operate reliably in radiation environments. The design of such systems requires that the performance of each individual semiconductor component but also of the entire system is characterized under a radiation environment. Radiation accelerates the degradation of the electrical performance of the electronic parts, but it can also create transient phenomena. Such damage at the part level can induce malfunction or ultimately functional failure at the
The CERN Radiation MONitoring System (RadMON) is a radiation tolerant monitoring in-house system developed by the EPR section. This system is entirely based on commercially qualified components (COTS). More than 400 units are deployed internally, in the different particle accelerator and experiments at CERN, and externally, such as at J-PARC, the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. RadMON is able to measure four types of radiation effects : Total ionizing dose (TID) through RadFETs, displacement damage equivalent fluence through P-I-N diodes, and thermal neutron (ThN) and high energy
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Radiation poses a major threat to satellites. Galactic cosmic rays, solar flares and particles trapped in the Earth’s magnetosphere can have severe consequences on a satellite’s integrity, as the high energies associated with them can damage or even destroy its electronic components. CERN faces similar problems inside the Large Hadron Collider’s (LHC) tunnels and has developed radiation monitoring devices to prevent radiation damage to electronics.
Space RadMon is a miniaturized version of the LHC’s well-proven radiation monitoring device [1]. This reliable low-cost, low-power, and low-mass